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Friday, December 20, 2013

Italian Government Condemned For 'Appalling' Migrant Video Showing Refugees Stripping Naked, Being Hosed Down.

Italian government is facing widespread criticism from home and abroad with possibility of legal action after a shocking video showing abusive treatment of migrants.  The video was reportedly filmed on a mobile phone at a holding center on the island of Lampedusa.

Huffington post report that (Huffpost)
"The Italian government vowed to investigate the treatment of migrants at its refugee centers Tuesday, as Italian officials publicly denounced the conditions depicted in the video. Lampedusa Mayor Giusi Nicolini related the images to Nazi-era concentration camps, while Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta vowed to punish anyone responsible, according to the Agence France-Presse."
 See the video and the rest of the story after the cur.

The European Commission also threatened legal action Wednesday for a possible breach of the European Union's asylum rules, Reuters reports.

"New images from Lampedusa are appalling and unacceptable," EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström expressed on Twitter. "We will not hesitate to launch an infringement procedure to make sure EU standards and obligations are fully respected."

The video, first broadcast on a state-run TV channel Monday, shows men lined up in a warehouse space. One by one, they remove their clothes before being hosed down. According to BBC News, an unnamed Syrian refugee claims to have secretly filmed the treatment of migrants at the Lampedusa holding center. The spray-down treatment is apparently a preventative measure against scabies.


Anonymous said...

This is just plain wrong and I hope someone will show this to the leaders of those Nations where the people migrated from as a wake up call to do something for their own people to discourage migration.

Anonymous said...
