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Thursday, January 23, 2014

'It’s Time To Arrest And Hang Him High': Florida Politician Calls For Execution Of President Obama

I guess to be famous or get some sort of attention these days, you have to say something really really stupid - like, killing the president of the United States. Imagine this Florida man (Josh Black), running for a seat in the state legislature Tweeted that 'It's time to arrest the President and 'hang him high.' - Really?
Josh Black is not even backing down and was "shocked" at all the attention he got over his Tweet. 'I know that we don't use hanging as a method of execution here in the U.S. anymore, so be it. Whatever method is applicable for the situation, I just want justice to be served,' said Josh.

He claimed that his anger is because of a 2011 drone strike that killed Anwar al-Awalki, an American-born al Qaeda in Yemen. Josh is a one time street pastor but now drives a taxi to make a living, 

Because of the nature of his Tweet, he is now meeting with the Secret Service but maintained that he is not in any trouble with the government, and does not believe his remarks incite violence against the president. 'Not with all the guns he has around him, no. That's the whole reason for having Secret Service, that's the whole reason for having firearms, is personal protection.'

'When you say something you got to own it. And I said what I said, and I'm gonna own it,' 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is not going to have a long political future.. sorry.