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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Unexpected Arrival At Heathrow Airport: Baby Delivered On Bathroom Floor.

Ragina Hamisi and Her Daughter.
Ragina Hamisi was travelling back to the UK from her native Kenya when she went into labour. Although the baby was due on January 4 but decided to make an early appearance. Ragina’s daughter, who has not yet been named, was born at 7.30am on January 1 weighing 6lbs 4oz.  “All that I remember after getting off the plane is a medic and being in the toilet,” said Ragina.  “I delivered my baby right there on the bathroom floor.”

Ragina, 33, has lived in Barking for six years. She had flown back to Kenya for a family emergency on December 11. “I felt the baby coming as I passed through the airport and went into the toilets,” she said. Ms Hamisi, who already has two children, says she remembers little of the birth other than it taking place in the arrivals hall toilet. Another picture after the jump.

Ragina Hamisi and Her Daughter.


Anonymous said...

Interesting story. God bless mother and child.

Anonymous said...

Arrival on time I have to say.. and what a place to arrive..